Bishop A. R. Willis Academy of Advance Excellence
The Place Where: "Education Exemplified Advances Our Children Towards Excellence."
Donations 4 Scholarships
Your tax-deductible contribution is welcomed by our 501-C 3 connected organization. Every donation will receive an immediate receipt. Please advise us by email should your receipt not be given or emailed to you in a timely manner.
Philanthropist, Sponsor/Donors Needed
Businesses * Individuals * Groups​
I pledge, my/our support to this organization will not discriminate against people of all walks of life, races, creed, gender, age, religions, or education. It's honored to be asked to support such a worthwhile cause and this humanitarian organization that will be of great value to our citizens. This can only lead to spiritual growth, economic growth, and educational growth to all; which this organization will serve.
Thank You
This is a "Special Scholarship" designed for STUDENTS.
We're Giving Away 1,000 Non-Pay Back Scholarships to deserving students also, from the proceeds stemming from this campaign in 2020. All you need to do is submit your administration fee and register today. Also, keep in mind there is a cut off date. Follow the rules and you may be the recipient of funding needed to support your education. The registration categories are listed below. Just click, fill out the form and you're just that close to going on to higher education. Keep in mind you can be a C- student and also receive a non-pay back scholarship. Once we've received your registration form look for the application within 10-14 business days. All registrators will have a background check completed.
Thank You

Formerly, Revival Fellowship Community School
Lower Johnsonville, 1501
Block "C" Community
1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia, Africa
+231 77 718 9817
+231-88 692 3201
(R) 2024